Comodo Firewall Pro
Comodo Firewall Pro is an excellent firewall that will protect you on multiple levels. Featuring multi-layered protection to keep your computer safe. You get both a firewall and Comodo’s Defense+ to help stop keyloggers and more. The Host Intrusion Prevention System (HIPS) protects your critical operating system files and block viruses and malware before they ever get the chance to run on your computer.
Comodo Firewall Pro features an easy to use, intuitive user interface to find the protection you need. With Comodo you can customize the rules and enhance your computers security. The alerts let you know the level of security risk, informing you if suspected malware is attempting to access the Internet. Friendly warnings help guide all users, from beginners to professionals. To help new users the wizard-based detection of trusted zones helps to configure rules for programs and networks. Comodo Firewall Pro has all of the features and quality of a pay firewall, distributed for free for users.
- Fixed! Windows Vista 64 UI Problems.
- Fixed! SafeSurf crashes applications on x64 based operating systems.
Downloads: Comodo Firewall Pro 32-bit (18.6 MB, *.exe) | Comodo Firewall Pro 64-bit (32.3 MB, *.exe)
Changes: What’s New with 3.0
Screenshots: The New Comodo
Homepage: Comodo Firewall Pro