SUPERAntiSpyware 4.21.1004

superantispywareSUPERAntiSpyware is an anti-spyware program that is known for taking care of a majority of malware that most other scanners miss. Besides protecting the browser’s home page, it can repair more than 20 other settings that malware change to reduce a system’s security. These include restoring the security settings for the Internet Explorer Internet Zone, restoring the normal Windows Explorer Shell, and restoring access to the Windows Task Manager.


  • Reboot when cookies are detected in certain cases resolved, reboot is no longer required
  • Enhanced DDA (Direct Disk Access) and improved compatibility with various NTFS formats
  • New Vundo Extraction Technology (VET)
  • Improved Rootkit Detection
  • Improved Trace Detection and Removal

download Download: SUPERAntiSpyware 4.21.1004
screenshots Screenshots: SUPERAntiSpyware Screenshots
link Homepage: SUPERAntiSpyware