SUPERAntiSpyware 4.22.1014
SUPERAntiSpyware is an anti-spyware program that is known for taking care of a majority of malware that most other scanners miss. Besides protecting the browser’s home page, it can repair more than 20 other settings that malware change to reduce a system’s security. These include restoring the security settings for the Internet Explorer Internet Zone, restoring the normal Windows Explorer Shell, and restoring access to the Windows Task Manager.
Interface Changes
- Support for Spanish, French, German, Italian, Portuguese (Unicode Languages coming soon).
- New in-product graphics/logo.
- Enhanced diagnostic interface and submissions.
Technology Changes
- Technology additions to the scanning engine – new definitions being created to take advantage of this new format – this will GREATLY increase detection for new threats.
- Resolved issue with NVidia Drivers (improved real-time protection).
- Reduced time taken by real-time protection drastically.
- Enhanced DDA (Direct Disk Access) to handle malware that blocks volume access.
- Enhanced detection of rootkits and hidden services.
Download: SUPERAntiSpyware 4.22.1014
Screenshots: SUPERAntiSpyware Screenshots
Homepage: SUPERAntiSpyware